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(翻訳)In Google’s Backyard, Hackers Face Eviction - Wired.com

In Google’s Backyard, Hackers Face Eviction - Wired.com




Hacker Dojo is filled with people expert in computer code, but building codes are another matter. A liberal interpretation of Mountain View’s permitting rules by its members / could get the shared collaboration space / shut down.




Built inside 13,000 square feet of abandoned warehouse space in the city home to Google, / Hacker Dojo is given over to offices, / events space, / and social areas cobbled together helter skelter by the tinkerers / — computer and otherwise — / who pay Dojo membership dues. / As far as the city is concerned,  / the Dojo is an office complex, / which means it needs the fire exits, sprinklers, and wheelchair-accessible bathrooms that it currently lacks, / Mountain View officials told the New York Times in an article published Thursday./




In response, Dojo organizers are frantically raising money to bring the space, / which has never received a formal city permit, up to code. / The Times coverage helped drive $12,000 in fresh donations so far today, / to a total of $185,000 out of the $250,000 needed, / says Katy Levinson, a robotics engineer and the Dojo’s development director./

それに対して、道場の運営側はやけになってスペースを拡張するための資金集めをしている。しかし、これも市から正式な許可を得た適法な活動ではない。ニューヨークタイムス紙の報道によって、本日までに$12,000の新しい募金が入った。これまでの総額では$185,000、必要な資金は$250,000である。ロボットエンジニアであり、道場の開発監督であるKaty Levinsonが語った。


Levinson says the city has been supportive in many ways, / but struggled to fit the one-of-a-kind space into a zoning system / that demands simple black-and-white classifications like “office,” “industrial,” “retail,” and “residential.” / Even aesthetically, Hacker Dojo is anything but simple. /



Inside, / occupants are free to modify the space, / which includes a wooden airplane someone hung from the ceiling, graffiti conversations on the walls, and office paint jobs, the design of / which seem to be random at best. / “The usage of our space shifts by the hour,” Levinson says. “It’s been an emergent experience and emergent culture. / We tried from the beginning to have as few rules as possible / and let the community evolve as it wanted to.”/



The Dojo has doubled its membership each year since opening in September 2009 on International Talk Like a Pirate Day (appropriate, given the Dojo’s apparent outlaw status). / That growth may have caught city officials off guard. / Levinson says the city has been “distressed” by some of the Dojo’s larger classes and events, / including a job fair that at peak saw 300 people inside the building at once. / Mountain View bureaucrats aren’t the only ones surprised by Hacker Dojo’s growth spurt: / Its creators were caught off guard too. / “We were so sure we’d never make rent without subletting offices,” Levinson says, but as it turned out that wasn’t necessary. (Dojo’s own members don’t sublet but rather pay $100 monthly dues and grab space on a first-come, first-served basis.)

道場の会員は、2009年9月の国際会議パイレーツデイ(ハッカー道場の明白なアウトロー的特徴を考えれば妥当だろう)から始まり、毎年会員数を倍に増やしつづけている。この成長の早さが、市当局の油断につながったのかもしれない。Levinson氏は、市が道場の大規模なクラスやイベントによって「苦しんでいる」という。例えば、ある時には300人もの人が一気に建物の中に集まり、就職フェアを行ったりした。マウンテンビュー当局だけがこの成長の早さに驚いているのではない。創立者たちもまた、同じように油断していたのだ。「この早さを知っていれば、オフィスをまた貸しせずに賃金を捻出しようとは思わなかったよ」ーLevinson市はそう語る。しかし、後になるにつれそれは必要ない事が分かった (道場のメンバーはまた貸しはしないが、$100ドルの月謝を払い、先着順にスペースを確保するのだ)。



Dojo organizers are also surprised they haven’t needed to institute an application process. With donations to its code-compliance fund from 640 different backers, / including Boing Boing co-editor Cory Doctorow, / the anarchic workspace may be able to fend off the city. / Whether it can retain its freewheeling spirit once it is officially classified as corporate office space remains to be seen.

道場の主催者は、会員手続きをきちんと組織する必要がない事にも驚いた。しっかりと規則を守った形での企業を含む640もの支援者、例えばBoing Boingの編集者であるCory Doctorow氏など、からの募金があるおかげで、この無法なワークスペースは市からのペナルティを回避できそうなのだ。公式に企業オフィスとして認定された後でも道場が今までのような自由な風習を保つことができるかどうかというのは、今後の課題である。